Gold Bullion ETF - Global X ETFs - Australia


Gold Bullion ETF

Reasons to Consider GXLD

Market Leader

Global X’s long-term commitment has solidified our position as the market leader in gold-backed exchange traded products in Australia.

Cost Effective

At 0.15%, GXLD is the lowest cost physically backed gold exchange traded product in the market.

A Core Allocation

GXLD is specifically designed for investors looking to hold gold over the longer-term as a core portfolio allocation.

Product Information As of 11 Feb 2025

Inception Date 29 Apr 2024
Management Costs (% p.a.) 0.15
Currency Hedged No
Domicile Australia
Legal Form Managed Investment Scheme
SMSF Eligible Yes
Vault Location London, UK

Metal Entitlement As of 11 Feb 2025

Metal Entitlement File View

NAV Information As of 11 Feb 2025

NAV/Unit (A$) 45.97674870
iNAV 45.8877
iNAV as of 05:29 PM
Currency (NAV) AUD
Shares Outstanding 4,155,000
AUM (A$) 191,033,390.70
NAV History File View

Product Summary

The Global X Gold Bullion ETF (GXLD) offers investors a simple and highly cost-effective way to invest in physical gold. GXLD is ideal for investors committed to investing in gold over the longer-term.

Product Objective

The Global X Gold Bullion ETF (GXLD) seeks to provide a return that tracks the performance of the price of gold bullion in Australian dollars (before fees and expenses) by reference to the Gold Spot Price which is denominated in US Dollars and converted to Australian dollars.

Trading Details

Ticker GXLD
Bloomberg Code GXLD AU Equity
ISIN AU0000328262
Trading Hours 10:00AM – 4:00PM

Management & Administration

Issuer Global X Management (AUS) Limited
Custodian JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Registrar Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited
Trustee Global X Management (AUS) Limited

Benchmark Information

Benchmark Solactive Gold Spot London Close Index


Distribution Frequency None

Performance Table As of 11 Feb 2025

Total Return (Fund) Total Return (Benchmark) Tracking Difference Tracking Error
1 Month 5.47% 5.49% -0.01% --
3 Months 15.16% 15.20% -0.04% 0.04%
1 Year -- -- -- --
3 Year p.a. -- -- -- --
5 Year p.a. -- -- -- --
10 Year p.a. -- -- -- --
Since Inception 29.12% 29.27% -0.15% 0.04%



  • How can I redeem units of GXLD for physical gold?

    To redeem for physical gold, an investor must:

    1. Complete and send a redemption form.
    2. Nominate an unallocated bullion account held with a clearing member of the LBMA to which we will arrange for delivery of the gold bullion.
    3. Pay a redemption fee of $500 and any delivery fee (up to a maximum of $500) – reduced from the amount of gold bullion to be delivered.

    Depending on the quantity of the order, investors may find that selling units in the secondary market is a more cost-efficient option, especially for small quantities.
  • Where is the metal stored?

    The physical gold bullion for GXLD is held in the vault(s) of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. in London. The vault is audited twice a year by the auditor inspectorate. All audit reports are made available in the resources section above. Each gold bar in the vault is itemised in a bar-list which can be viewed in the resources section above.
  • How is the management fee paid?

    Each unit of GXLD comes with an entitlement to an amount of physical bullion. On the day of fund launch the gold entitlement of each unit will be 1/100th Gold Fine Troy Ounce. On subsequent days, the entitlement per unit of GXLD will be the prior business day’s gold entitlement less management fees (0.15% per annum).
  • How can I use GXLD in a portfolio?

    Gold has a low to negative level of correlation with other asset classes, such as equities and fixed income, and can therefore be used as a tactical allocation to enhance a portfolio’s overall risk/return characteristics through the benefits of diversification.

    Gold has historically performed well during periods of high equity market volatility due to its safe-haven status and can therefore be used as an event risk hedge.

    For centuries gold has been used as a store of value and is independent of the value of any fiat currency. As such, gold is commonly cited as a hedge against inflation.

    Gold can also be used as a strategic investment based on its own fundamentals, which relate to its unique supply and demand characteristics. Supply relates to both mine production and available above-ground stock. Demand primarily comes from:

    • Consumers; in the form of jewellery, bars and coins

    • Industrial users; such as electronics component manufacturers

    • Investors; including direct holders and ETF investors, and

    • Central banks; who maintain large gold reserves

Global X Management (AUS) Limited (“Global X”) (Australian Financial Services Licence Number 466778, ACN 150 433 828) is the product issuer. Offers of interests in any retail product will only be made in, or accompanied by, a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). In respect of each retail product, Global X has prepared a target market determination (TMD). Each PDS and TMD is available at The information on this website is general in nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situations or needs. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to your objectives, financial situation or needs and consider seeking independent financial, legal, tax and other relevant advice having regard to your particular circumstances. Any investment decision should only be made after obtaining and considering the relevant PDS and TMD. Investments in any product issued by Global X are subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested. The value or return of an investment will fluctuate and an investor may lose some or all of their investment. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

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